Exhibitors Frequently Asked Questions
Question: How many individuals are permitted inside my stand at the same time?
Answer: The maximum capacity of people inside the exhibitor’s stands depends on the square metres of the stand.
- Up to 20 sq. m: 4 individuals
- From 20 up to 100 sq. m: 4 individuals + 1 individual per 10 sq. m.
- Over 100 sq. m: 12 individuals + 1 individual per 15 sq. m.
You have the responsibility to observe the allowed number of visitors for which you have been informed by signing your contract.
Caution: The aforementioned number includes both staff and visitors.
Question: Is the use of mask mandatory for all people?
Answer: The use of protective mask for exhibitors, visitors and staff is mandatory.
Question: Is the use of protective mask mandatory for visitors?
Answer: The use of non-medical protective mask for all visitors is compulsory.
Question: Will we need to have something with us to enter the exhibition?
Answer: It will be mandatory for exhibitors and their staff to display their name on a name badge. The badge will be worn and must be easily visible throughout your stay at the exhibition area.
Question: Where do I get the name badge from?
Answer: The organising company will send you name badges by postal for all your staff.
Before the start of the operations you must send us a list of the names of your company staff who will be at the exhibition centre area during the exhibition.
Without the name badge you will not be allowed to enter the exhibition area.
Question: Will I be able to park near the halls with the same aforementioned name badge?
Answer: No. This year, for the first time, you will be sent special Parking cards that correspond to your stand.
The entrance of the vehicles around the halls will be done only with the presence of the driver and the presentation of the Parking card.
The number of vehicles that will be parked around the halls will be limited.
Question: Will temperature measurement be performed?
Answer: At the entrance of the exhibition area temperature measurement will be performed.
Question: Do I have to take any safety measures inside my stand?
Answer: Your stand should have as many open spaces as possible.
Each exhibitor must have adequate packages of antiseptic liquid at his stand and replace it as soon as it is finished. It can be used both by himself and his staff, as well as by the visitors of his stand.
Apply public health protection measures to your stand.
Train your staff in strict observance and compliance with protection and hygiene regulations.
Question: Is the distribution of brochures allowed inside the stand?
Answer: The distribution of any kind of brochure or publication is prohibited.
Exhibitors and their staff are advised to avoid shaking hands with visitors and to exchange their business cards and other promotional material of their company electronically with those involved.
Question: Will you send us invitations?
Answer: You will normally receive printed and electronic invitations from the organising company.
Question: Will the invitation be named?
Answer: Invitations must be filled in with the details of the visitor.
The barcode card sent by the organising company is registered by name.
Question: Is the invitation for one person?
Answer: The invitation is for one (1) store or for one (1) business only and should be filled in with the details of the business. Entry to professionals not related to the subject of the exhibition as well as relatives, collaborators and acquaintances is strictly prohibited, in order to avoid overcrowding.
Question: Will there be visitor buses?
Answer: Of course there will be visitor buses. There will be a free of charge transport of visitors from the metro and suburban railway stations of Doukissis Plakentias and the Airport with frequent itineraries.
Question: Will there be provincial visitor buses?
Answer: There will be free of charge buses from the provinces, in particular, from four cities of Greece: Thessaloniki, Larissa, Volos and Veria, on Wednesday (16/09/2020) and on Friday (18/09/2020).
Question: Are children allowed?
Answer: The entrance to people under 18 years old is strictly prohibited.
Question: Will there be any new notification about the operation of the exhibitions?
Answer: All the measures mentioned above are based on the current update and can be adapted. If there will be any changes, our website notifications at www.rota.gr will be updated accordingly.